Discover the Benefits of AVoIP and Intel® Smart Display Module (SDM)

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What is AVoIP?

Audio-Visual over Internet Protocol (AVoIP) refers to the transmission of audio and video signals via network infrastructure. This technology extends the capabilities of traditional AV systems, enabling easy, scalable, and flexible communication across devices and networks.

Key Benefits of AVoIP:

  • Scalability and Flexibility: Enables easy infrastructure scaling, dynamic resource allocation, and seamless expansion to meet evolving business needs.
  • Increased Interoperability: Replaces proprietary solutions with standardized protocols.
  • Cost Efficiency: Utilizes standardized protocols to minimize infrastructure costs, optimize power consumption, and reduce maintenance expenses for long-term savings.
  • Centralized Control and Monitoring: Benefit from the ability to centrally control (and remotely intervene) and monitor devices and systems, including real-time and diagnostic tools to detect any problems at an early stage.
  • Data Analysis and Optimization: Opens up new opportunities for AV system analysis and device utilization, helping plan the most efficient device configuration for future projects and optimize existing systems.
  • Enhanced Communication and Collaboration: Seamlessly interact, conduct high-quality audio/video conferences, and share real-time content across locations.

The Need for AVoIP

In recent years, the convergence of AV technology and computer-based Internet Protocol (IP) technologies has gained significant attention. This shift is driven by organizations striving to address various challenges:

  • Complexity of Solutions: Businesses, educational institutions, and public sector organizations require reliable, sustainable technologies.
  • Management and Flexibility: An infrastructure that is easy to manage and flexible to adapt to new opportunities.
  • Secure and Scalable Network: Ensuring that AV systems are integrated into a secure, scalable IP network.

Investment in AV Equipment: Future-proof your technology with AVoIP integration. Intel® Smart Display Module (SDM) offers the gateway to this future.

Why Choose Intel® SDM?

Intel® Smart Display Module (SDM) is the bridge to AVoIP, enabling organizations to revolutionize their communication infrastructure. Here’s why SDM is essential:

  • Reduced Installation Costs: Less effort needed for mounting and wiring external devices, with part of the work done off-site.
  • Simplified Components: Eliminates the need for external power supplies and connection cables, enhancing operational reliability.
  • Sustainability and Flexibility: Future-proof your investment with upgradable SDM cards or AVoIP modules without replacing the core unit.
  • Resource Efficiency: Smaller form factor and reduced materials, requiring less resource consumption.
  • Confirmed Interoperability: The majority of available SDM boards have been certified to work in projectors and displays.

Unlock Full Potential with Panasonic

Panasonic Connect is the first projector and display manufacturer to incorporate Intel® SDM across a range of devices. This innovation helps customers unlock the full potential of AVoIP, enabling organizations to stay connected, productive, and innovative in today's digital landscape.

Explore AVoIP at Our Business Solution Centre.

Do you want to know more about AVoIP and SDM? Book a Demo at our Business Solution Centre in Wiesbaden.

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